I first started smoking weed in 1967 when I was working at IBM. Looking back, this discovery marked an important turning point in my life. Now still smoking 53 years later, I’m a 70 year old grandpa, with enough energy for farming, writing, photography crystal healing, and visiting the sauna twice a week. I owe much of my good health to my dear friend cannabis.

Award Winning

We have carefully picked over several strains, for their special effects and qualities. To us cannabis is a sacrament; it is not just recreational or medicinal, with the added sacredness it brings you closer to the divine.

Soma's favourite strains, meet


Lavender brings together a world of weed. Strains with histories that traverse Afghanistan, Hawaii, Korea, the U.S, and Europe are all melded together in this 3-way cross. An exotic looking strain, Lavender develops the darkest purple coloration you can imagine. The color is intense, with the leaves turning nearly to black at the ends, they are so deeply saturated with color.